Monday, February 8, 2010

Photos from the back verandah

Ok I know some of you would think that these clouds could be rather threatening. they do look a bit like the start of a tornado which we do get in Australia, similar to the ones in America, to a point apart from the fact that ive heard of them forming and causing massive damage on a clear day.

These clouds only rained hard enough to make the gutter look like Niagara falls XD

.... not that it comes out real well

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Guardian Angel 2

As i said in the edit in my last post i found out that you can digitally edit photos on photobucket so i went a little crazy with it, the background is one of the outcomes but there was also these

Great fun this... makes me really want to get photoshop or something similar for my computer... oh the possiblilities XD ... so right now this function makes photobucket one of my favorite sites

Guardian Angel

I don't know where this one came from, but i had this background i did a couple of months ago.
i sketched a face on in chalk then painted the outline in gesso. then i used a sponge to apply the next layer of paint.

i forgot to take a pic of when i sketched the angel on but i this is at the stage where she didn't have a face yet...

I didn't really like the way she looked at this stage so i changed her clothes and hair colour
the finished product

Edit: the second stage photo i digitally edited on photobucket and used it in a background of my own creation at